Friday, January 8, 2010

New Business Jets Aren't You Glad Congress Is Buying 8 New Business Jets For Government Use For $550M?

Aren't you glad Congress is buying 8 new business jets for government use for $550M? - new business jets

"The list of races in Congress goes beyond what the Air Force had initially attempted in the context of its annual budget. The Pentagon has tried to replace the purchase of a Gulfstream V and a business-class equivalent of a Boeing 737 to older aircraft. The Defense also has the purchase of two additional 737s, which have leased.
[Chart trip to Congress]

Legislators in the House last week's purchase money for the purchase of these aircraft, and more money, two 737 and two Gulfstream V aircraft will be shopping still must be approved by the Senate. The version of the Air Force Gulfstream V, each will cost 66 million U.S. dollars, according to the Department of Defense, and the 737 costs about $ 70 million. "

If you ever wanted to know what these planes?

The 737, known as C-40 are determined by the military, an office "in heaven" for the leaders, according to documents that describe Air Force aircraft. The aircraft is configured with all leather seats in first class, work tables, two large kitchen for cooking and Cooperation "VIP visitmpartment sleeping. "

Perhaps if MPs and senators, the executive and the military actually on the car and share the rest of the population, would provide a little more careful with our money.


tracymae... said...

Flights to give airlines, the government asked to vote on a government, which is pretty good for clown. It's hard to believe that the commercial airline tickets exceeds the purchase of these aircraft. Maybe I should buy jets bitched that the executives have the car.

Anonymous said...

Purchase of the aircraft were in course of time the money put in comparison to the purchase of tickets all the time? Until you compare the cost of these devices with the cost not to buy, which really is not done, that the expenditure is wasteful.

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